your adventure starts here

let me be your guide…

Cat Ekkelboom-White

Coach, Mentor, Consultant & Guide

…To Sustainability in Business

Helping you learn how to run your business with sustainability, ethics and integrity at the forefront of everything you do.

…To Building The Business of Your Dreams

Coach, mentor and advisor to creative entrepreneurs.
I help businesses identify their super-niche and stand out from the crowd.

…To A Life of Freedom & Adventure

I’ll help you build your business around how you want your best life to look and feel, not in 5 years from now, but starting from TODAY!

choose your adventure

Welcome to a world where adventure can change your life!

Coach, Mentor & trusted advisor

Let Me Be Your Guide

Stop trying to run your business the same way all your competitors are. If you’re doing taking the same courses and following the same strategies as everyone else, are you really surprised that your business doesn’t really stand out? Let’s change that now.

Cultivate an Adventure Mindset

Peak Experience Hiking Retreats

Join me for a solo or group hiking retreat in the Alps, where you can learn how adventure can unlock your next level of business success.

coming soon
because our planet matters

Sustainability Advisor

There’s more to sustainability than just making your business more eco-friendly. Together we’ll look at the three Ps (Planet, People & Profit) to make sure your business is leaving a positive footprint on the planet.

Let’s cut the B*S

We’re here because you’re super passionate about what you do, and you know that you’re also damn good at it.

You’ve got a superpower that you are dying to unleash to the world, but the voices in your head, and the people around you tell you:

👎 Its’s too niche
👎 Its’s too risky
👎 You can’t afford to turn away clients

But you’re really tired of things as they are now. People copying you, new vendors moving into your area or undercutting you. And you are working so damn hard to maintain the success you’ve built, that you barely have time for that thing people call fun!

I also think a lot of coaches and educators kinda suck too. It’s why I hate calling myself a coach. Because I’ve met some horrendous ones in my time. I’m not some guru who has all the answers. I’m also not someone who is just going to hype you up and tell you that you’re doing great.

Building a sustainable business that you actually love, that aligns with you and your life, is f*cking hard work. I’m not here to bullshit you that I’ve got a secret answer that I’ll share with you for $999. There is no secret. Some days we might talk SEO, we might talk strategies. But mostly I’m here for you because going it alone is HARD and most people give up. But I’ve gone through the process, multiple times now, building multiple aligned businesses, whilst creating more freedom (not less), and I wouldn’t change a damn thing about my life. It’s AWESOME. And yours can be too.

In two months of working with Cat I’ve accomplished more in my business than I had in the last ten months.

Cat’s knowledgeable on so many aspects of running a business and it shows. From making sure my branding was clear to SEO strategy and marketing, Cat has been there to guide me through it all. Being mentored by someone who’s established in the industry has been irreplaceable.

Working with Cat will make all the difference if you’re feeling stuck and looking to change. I have found so much clarity in what direction I want to take in my business since working with her.  Go hire her now, seriously! She has helped me find my spark and excitement for running a photography business again. My only regret is that I didn’t reach out sooner.

Christine Madeux – Made in the Mountains Photo

Hey, I’m Cat!

When I started Wild Connections Photography in 2015, my dream wasn’t to shoot 100 weddings a year. I know that not everyone aspires to build a six-figure business, because I didn’t either (although I have). I wanted to build a profitable and sustainable business that supported the lifestyle I wanted to live – a 4-day work week and the time and money for lots of adventures.

As cliche as it sounds, I believe that you don’t have to choose between success in business and living life how you want to. I believe in intentionally creating the life that you want – whether that’s more freedom to travel the world or more time to spend with your family. You get to decide how you want to live your life!

not found what you were looking for?

other resources

Like many of my clients, I’m a multi-passionate business owner. Looking for one of my other projects?

The Entrepreneurial Expedition

Exploring the intersections of running a sustainable business, building a niche & leading with authenticity and integrity.

Adventure Wedding Academy

Free educational resources for wedding & elopement photographers to help you build a successful business.

European Elopement Guide

The top resource for couples planning an elopement in Europe. Get your work featured on the guide.

Wild Connections Photography

My multi-award winning elopement photography brand for adventurous couples in the Alps.

Less Work, More Adventure

A personal blog covering my expat life in the Austrian Alps, including travel and adventure content and plant care tips.